Della is a girl who goes to Whitechapel High School. She appeared in the My Babysitter's a Vampire (film) as the Popcorn Lady and. Reappeared as Della in Lawn of the Dead episode the Re-Vamped episode.
Della is a girl heartbroken over the death of her dog, Puffles. In an attempt to win her heart, Benny offers her flowers, which makes her very emotional and brings her to say.
she'd do anything to have him back. Benny uses a revival potion to bring Puffles back to life, but as his soul has moved on, Puffles does not recognize Della and attacks her and the rest of the school. Only the mention of Puffles causes Della to burst into tears. In ReVamped she spoke briefly to Rory and glanced at Benny, who planned on asking her to dance.

Della after seeing Benny and Ethan after the dinner at Ethan's.
- Rebecca Dalton plays the snack bar girl from the movie, though the characters are considered different.